Complete your family with the help of surrogacy.

Helping you become a parent.

Massachusetts Surrogacy Center is a personalized agency centered on the principles of giving and receiving. We truly believe that the more you give in life, the more you’ll receive as well, which is why we take great satisfaction in helping individuals and couples become parents. Our agency specializes in providing one-on-one services to both our clients and the high-quality surrogates we work with. We become invested in each and every surrogacy journey, listening to worries, celebrating with clients, and feeling that unbeatable sense of joy when a new and welcomed life enters the world.

Our services.

We offer personalized and unparalleled attention, guidance, and support every step of the way. We also carefully screen all of our surrogates so that you will be matched with a high-quality surrogate and have a positive surrogacy experience.

Our services include:

  • Matching you with a qualified surrogate
  • Facilitating all meetings and communication with your surrogate
  • Recommending legal, fertility, and medical support services
  • Guiding your surrogate through the IVF process, pregnancy, and birth
  • Giving you regular and frequent updates on the pregnancy
  • Overseeing all your required paperwork, including your surrogacy contract, birth certificate, and the baby’s passport if necessary
  • Providing health and holistic wellness services for your surrogate to help ensure a healthy, event-free pregnancy
  • Facilitation of psychological support for you if requested

This is just a small list of the services we provide. In truth, we are available to you and your surrogate 24/7 and do a thousand little things along the way that add up to a happy and satisfying surrogacy experience.

Choosing the right surrogate.

Your surrogate will be carrying your future child for nine months. That is a big responsibility, and we don’t take it lightly. At Massachusetts Surrogacy Center, we look for surrogates who take personal satisfaction in helping others bring life into the world. That’s why one of our primary jobs is to build up a database of qualified surrogate candidates. All of our surrogates, along with their spouses/partners, undergo a background check before they make it onto our database. We also interview each surrogate and personally visit their home as part of our vetting process. Additionally, they must meet our strict qualifications. During the pregnancy, we provide our surrogates with nutritional counseling, monthly massages, psychological counseling, and other holistic care so that they can enjoy a healthy and stress-free pregnancy. We also provide one of the most competitive surrogacy payment packages in the country, which helps us attract the best candidates.

We want you to play a big role in choosing your surrogate and being involved in her pregnancy. When we make a surrogate match, you and the surrogate will meet via video call or in person to introduce yourselves. You must approve of the surrogate, and she must approve of you before the process can begin. We encourage you to communicate with your surrogate regularly throughout the surrogacy process. You are also welcomed to attend any major appointments, or we can attend on your behalf.

Future parents faqs.

What's included in the surrogacy fee?

The process of surrogacy includes many costs, including the cost of the agency fee, the compensation paid to the surrogate, the surrogate’s medical expenses, attorney fees, possible travel fees, the cost for IVF treatments and more. Contact us to obtain a cost sheet.

How do you match parents with surrogates?

We continually grow our database of quality surrogates who meet our high qualification standards. After meeting with you, we will review our database for an available surrogate. We then make a recommendation based on a number of factors, including both the parents’ and surrogate’s personalities, preferences, and location. When we have a recommended match, the parents and surrogate will meet to introduce each other and make sure all parties are comfortable moving forward. Only once the parents and surrogate have agreed to the match will the process move forward.

How do you choose/qualify surrogates?

We seek out surrogates who are interested in more than just a financial gain. Oftentimes these women see surrogacy as a way to help a family in need. These are strong, caring, and reliable women! All of our surrogates and their spouses/partners must pass a criminal background check before we even consider them for surrogacy. Someone from our agency will also interview them and their partner/spouse in their home to ensure that the surrogate has a stable and healthy home life. Our surrogates are also all mothers who have a proven ability to carry a healthy pregnancy to term. For more information on our surrogate requirements, please visit our surrogates page.

Do you work with gay partners?

Yes, we are a judgment-free surrogacy agency and are happy to work with gay, lesbian, and transgender couples, partners, and individuals. Massachusetts is a great option for gay couples considering surrogacy to grow their family. Our surrogacy-friendly state allows both parents to put their name on the baby’s birth certificate so that one parent does not have to adopt the baby after its birth.

Do you work with single or unmarried individuals?

Yes, we are happy to work with an individual regardless of their relationship status.

Do you work with international parents?

Yes, we are definitely willing to work with international parents. We understand that many countries around the world do not allow surrogacy or make it difficult for couples to safely pursue surrogacy. We can provide you with a culturally sensitive surrogacy experience. International parents face some specific challenges when working with a surrogacy agency overseas, but we are well-versed in overcoming these challenges

Will I get to meet and choose my surrogate?

We prefer to make surrogate recommendations to parents based on our experience and our knowledge of the surrogates in our database. You will definitely get to meet and approve your surrogate before we move forward with the surrogacy process. We strongly encourage you to continue communicating with your surrogate throughout the pregnancy. If you live close to the surrogate or are willing to travel, you can even go to major appointments together and certainly be present at the birth. Many of our surrogates and parents become lifelong friends.

Can I use my eggs/sperm for implantation?

Yes, you can choose to harvest your own eggs or sperm for IVF treatment. We are happy to refer you to a state-of-the-art fertility treatment facility in Massachusetts. We can also direct you to agencies where you can choose egg or sperm donors if you prefer.

Do you handle all of the legal paperwork related to the surrogacy process?

When you decide to move forward with the surrogacy process, we will require you to sign a legal contract with your surrogate and with our agency to protect yourself and the surrogate. We are not licensed attorneys, and you will be required to pay for the services of an attorney to create the required paperwork. We are happy to recommend several highly qualified attorneys that we have strong relationships with.

What is the chance of our surrogate successfully conceiving a pregnancy?

Fertility treatments continue to advance in sophistication and yield improved success rates. When you are working with a healthy surrogate under the care and supervision of an experienced fertility clinic, the chances of a successful pregnancy are quite high. However, every situation is different, and we cannot give you definitive numbers. Most fertility agencies can provide you with the percentages of successful implantations they achieved.

Happy parents & surrogates.

We're committed to providing our clients with the highest level of care and support throughout the surrogacy process. But don't just take our word for it - here are some testimonials from happy parents and surrogates who have worked with us.

Get in touch.

Thank you for taking an interest in our agency. Please contact us if you have any questions about the surrogacy process, working with our agency, or becoming a surrogate. We also invite you to schedule a free consultation with us to learn more about our agency and how we might be able to help you grow your family.


101 Federal St Suite 1900, Boston, MA 02110, United States


(617) 936-8114